Laser Crown Lengthening Procedures
Crowns are the upper visible part of the teeth. In case if the crown is not properly visible due to the excess covering of the gum, a crown lengthening procedure is performed. An irregular gum can take away the clarity of smile. Even when a new crown is made to be implant a proper satisfaction of the appearance is never attained unless a proper boundary is set to the gum.
In a crown lengthening process the gum attached to the teeth is move so as to attain a proper visibility of the crown. With crown lengthening one can improve the appearance and the aesthetic features. The crown lengthening is one of the important procedures carried out in the smile correction process.
The Crown lengthening is also performed by the dentist to have a proper visibility while performing various dental oriented treatments. Certain treatment requires additional access in to the gum to certain level. The dentist may trim off certain portion of the gum tissues in order to avail the access for the treatment procedure.

Example the treatment for gum infection requires access to the deep under the gum, and the dentist will trim off the gum tissue in order to reach the decay or infection for treatment. The crown lengthening procedure can be performed with the help of the laser technology, which can result in the most accurate lengthening process. The crown lengthening process is mostly carried out in a straight forward method, with the least discomfort in the post-operative period. All the dressing and sutures are removed in a two weak gap after the crown lengthening process.